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Empowering Dreams in Papua New Guinea

Catch360 is your trusted online store, delivering essential technology products to support the educational goals of remote kids and their parents across Papua New Guinea.

a pair of headphones sitting next to a laptop
a pair of headphones sitting next to a laptop



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Explore our technology products for kids and parents in PNG.

black and gray camera on white table
black and gray camera on white table
black and silver speaker on brown wooden desk
black and silver speaker on brown wooden desk
a laptop computer sitting on top of a white table
a laptop computer sitting on top of a white table
a laptop computer sitting on top of a white table
a laptop computer sitting on top of a white table
a close up of an iphone on a yellow background
a close up of an iphone on a yellow background
a tablet computer sitting on top of a bed
a tablet computer sitting on top of a bed

Catch360 provided me with the tech I needed to support my child's learning in PNG. Highly recommend!

Sarah Lee

silver aluminum case Apple Watch on Apple Magic keyboard
silver aluminum case Apple Watch on Apple Magic keyboard
black and gray camera tripod
black and gray camera tripod
